Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kanye Theory

Everyone that know me knows I'm a die hard Kanye Fan. Like Kanye, I have been known to be short tempered, highly opinionated, outspoken, irrational, impromptu, and at times narcissistic. However, like Kanye I've learned to control my emotional madness through fashion and family. One thing I can appreciate, like Kanye, is that I do not apologize for being me. Many may not care for me or hate seeing my evolution but at the end of the day, like Kanye, my work speaks for itself. This year my dreams became reality, my nightmares turned into lessons, and my inner Kanye came out in a major way. In order to be great, you may lose some people along the way but most importantly, never lose yourself. My choices aren't always understood or excepted but at the end of the day, they are my choices. As a stylist, fashion enthusiast, and designer, the worst thing I could ever do is not be who I am to please others. I am who I am, that Fly low key chic, that really nobody knows but has learned to respect. I'm not one for attention, so much as Kanye, let's face it I'm a Scorpio and grabbing attention just comes natural. In this world, like Yeezy said Y.O.L.O, you only live once. My time is now. I'm not the cutest, the most popular, the most sought after, but I'm happy about the woman I'm becoming. In the words of Kanye, someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, But they will never be you. I'm sticking to the Kanye Theory......
Follow my new IG @kslayze 

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