Monday, June 20, 2016

Feel no Ways

I try with you
There's more to life than sleeping in
And getting high with you
I had to let go of us to show myself what I could do
And that just didn't sit right with you
And now you're trying to make me feel a way, on purpose.......

So I'm dating a guy who doesn't want me to show a lot of skin when I'm shooting my blog pics. I decided however to wear what I want and feel no way about it......
Everybody knows I'm a Drake fanatic.. I too am a Scorpio and claim myself as October's Own. Since listening to his latest classic album "Views" over and over now, I got inspired to do some blogs tieing my favorite music into my Fashion. Like Drizzy, I enjoy reflecting as an art. 
"All Summer 16" we have seen pattern dresses and cutout trends on dresses, bodysuits, swimwear, and countless other designs. I did an interpretation of my take on these trend and create so me artistic "views" in the design. I have never done a shoot in a dress showing my breasts but in honor of summer I went for it. 
Personal style has no limits. When you where you want it evokes not only who you are but also gives an insight on your fashion sense. I like to take risks with my personal style especially when it's a dope design. This summer I feel in love with myself as well as my own body. There's nothing wrong with embracing curvy silhouettes and showing off a little skin just enough to get that sex appeal, but you have to do it right. 
Exposing a little side boos or cutout along the breast is an effective method to show off without showing Out. If your wearing a cutout dress with no undergarments make sure the setting is appropriate and you aren't turning heads at the wrong time. Also, make sure your comfortable enough to expose your your body and are ready for the looks, just know stepping outside of the box will also provoke conversation which is what you want. Fashion and culture is forever a lifestyle. 
Prada for example, which is my favorite design is notorious for showing nipples in their couture print ads for high fashion magazines. When you see this marketing it not only provokes shock but emotion. The female body is a work of art. Make it your own masterpiece. And FEEL NO WAYS about it!!!!! 

PS Love Kat 💋

Monday, February 22, 2016


Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Brooklyn while in New York for Fashion Week. It was a really laid back place with a very cool atmosphere. After crossing the Williamsburg Bridge, the first street I saw was Marcy Avenue. Immediately, of course I thought, Jay Z (Marcy Projects) then I thought, Bedstuy, Biggie and Lil Kim. It was so obvious I was a tourist from down South taking pics and videos every other minute while my phone had 10% battery. 
I went to a couple vintage stores and found the perfect vintage fur, but I knew I was at home when I saw Popeyes chicken (laughs). I stood outside to take in the air and scenery of the beautiful street murals on every corner, and then I saw it.....
I looked across the street on Flushing Avenue and I spotted some original Jean Michel Basquiat graffiti. I ran across the street almost causing a driver to hit me. When I saw it I was in shock. I have previously blogged about my fascination with his work, but to see this legendary Artist work randomly on the sidewalk in Brooklyn was something different. I have studied his early works doing "Samo" all over BK and his ultimate struggle to just be an great artist without all the things that come along with it, like fame and fortunes. I could picture him standing there barefoot spray painting the wall as people walked by not knowing the significance of what was taking place. 
I took videos and pictures of course, then I started to realize how similar I lives were. I too am an artist of design who can be very reclusive, yet I have visions I want to share with the world. However, I wasn't prepared for the spotlight. It seems as you get to the point where you are at your peek, it becomes scary because then you are forced to be socially accepted which is something I struggle with. Like Basquiat, I just want to make beautiful clothing and art but not have to conform to do so. I too suffer from manic depression at times and just want to be left alone to work. I too struggle with relationships and can be irrational but my heart is likewise pure. At least I want to believe so. This moment became the best part of me trip. Manhattan was cool, but Brooklyn way cooler. 
A local resident happened to walk by and I guess he could tell I wasn't from around there. I told him I was from South Carolina by way of Atlanta. He laughed and said what are you doing in CROOKLYN. I said, "just visiting for FashionWeek". He said, "you crossed the wrong being there isn't anything cute out her, just new crooks, old crooks, and baby crooks, some good people but still just what is left from a long history of crazy locals". I asked him had he heard of the legendary Brooklyn street artist Basquiat he replied, "Yea, that famous weird homeless guy. I remember him, he was really a jerk but very talented." I wondered would people remember me the same way and laughed to myself. I have been known to be a jerk myself at times but still passionate about my work. 
Like Jean-Michel I noticed when I do a photoshoot, share I ideas, or style models, I look on my FB or IG and see another model or colleague doing something I've done or shared. Like him, I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended but at the end of the day, it's just proves a point. When something is dope, people will follow suit, I guess it's there way of saying I can do it too. But, just as people sold his work for thousands and and gave him pennies as well as made deals without his knowledge it made me realize I have to take control of my vision in a different manner. I will never get to be mused by Andy Warhol but I am ready to make my own mark on the world. 
When I started my business I just did it as an experiment not knowing where it would take me. People around me said do this or do that, like Basquiat, tying push me when I just wanted to make beautiful clothes and be normal. I'm very weird myself and awkward when it comes to social behaviors so I understand how his drove him mad. However, it's a necessity. I continued to walk the quant streets of Brooklyn remembering walking the streets of my own hometown neighborhood, Kennedy Park. I have come a long way but such a long way to go. CROOKLYN serves me some food for thought. If I ever want to be legendary I have to be Mysrlf regardless of what anyone thinks. Despite my shortcomings that's all I can be. If I don't I'm robbing myself and I too am just another Crook in CROOKLYN. I'm ready and willing to step outside the box, the next time I come over the bridge I'll never forget the breakthrough moment I had on Flushing and Nicabaca where I realized before anyone believes in me I have to be myself and never compromise my talent for society's gain. I can't wait to go back. I'm just another Tree that grew in Brooklyn. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kanye Theory

Everyone that know me knows I'm a die hard Kanye Fan. Like Kanye, I have been known to be short tempered, highly opinionated, outspoken, irrational, impromptu, and at times narcissistic. However, like Kanye I've learned to control my emotional madness through fashion and family. One thing I can appreciate, like Kanye, is that I do not apologize for being me. Many may not care for me or hate seeing my evolution but at the end of the day, like Kanye, my work speaks for itself. This year my dreams became reality, my nightmares turned into lessons, and my inner Kanye came out in a major way. In order to be great, you may lose some people along the way but most importantly, never lose yourself. My choices aren't always understood or excepted but at the end of the day, they are my choices. As a stylist, fashion enthusiast, and designer, the worst thing I could ever do is not be who I am to please others. I am who I am, that Fly low key chic, that really nobody knows but has learned to respect. I'm not one for attention, so much as Kanye, let's face it I'm a Scorpio and grabbing attention just comes natural. In this world, like Yeezy said Y.O.L.O, you only live once. My time is now. I'm not the cutest, the most popular, the most sought after, but I'm happy about the woman I'm becoming. In the words of Kanye, someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, But they will never be you. I'm sticking to the Kanye Theory......
Follow my new IG @kslayze 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Jumpsuit Craze

of the most popular items we sold this Fall was our cotton jumpsuit. This look was also one of my personal favs. The great thing about a jumpsuit is that you can dress it up or down. Make it sporty or more casual. All you need is to grab your favorite casual coat or athletic jacket, and then either some dope sneakers or cute booties to complete your look. Moving into winter I have seen many takes on this look, but let's admit, this look will never get outdated. Women love to celebrate and show their curvy figures, just as much as we love expressing our personal fashion statements through everyday looks. I can't wait until summer to debut some custom jumpsuit pieces that will take this concept to new heights. 

Follow my online store on IG: Akemi.sue and my personal page @Kslayze 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dear Summer


As I step into Fall, I can't help but reminisce on my summer memories. I found a beautiful, quiet place to relax, release, and regroup my thoughts and energies. As the summer began I was very depressed and optimistic, as my life had changed so drastically being a newly single yet very ambitious 29 year old woman who had lost love but gained hope. Hope turned to fear as the season began, then came triumph. After a crazy, rollercoaster Winter I had went through so many emotions in 6 months. I had many sleepless nights where I had to face my demons. I realized that while many things had forever changed my life and personal perspectives, in the end I had learned so many 
Life lessons. I learned that trouble does not last always, neither would the hold of the demons that wouldn't let me go. The very moment we think we are inadequate is the very moment something amazing happens. I sat in the park on a wooden bridge, in a extremely somber state of mind while I began to deal with my emotions. After crying, praying, laughing, meditating, and planning I finally told myself that I wouldn't let the things I could not control define me. I stopped playing the victim and instead started to planning my future. 
On a hot summer day in June I had my breathrough. I was standing on the bridge looking down at the creek stream, when I decided not to live with anymore regrets. This was the last summer of my 20s. After wasting so many Summers not self progressing, focusing on others, and wasting my potential, I 
made sure this Summer was my season of redemption. I could probably debate over why it took 29 years of bad relationship choices, bad decisions, and bad friendships to make me finally break forever and ever.  BUT, why. 
I never looked back on the yesterdays, and I thanked The Creator for giving  me this beautiful Summer day to just let go of my regrets, my imperfections, my heartaches, my pains, and most importantly my self pity. I started to sketch some designs in my diary and then I started to make 
bulletins for a business plan right by a summer flower that I couldn't take my eyes off of. Just like the 
blossoms on that flower I realized they were blooming because it was their season. What was
stopping me from planting myself and sewing seeds to watch bloom. IT was ME. In life we can 
be our own biggest inspiration or curse. I decided to bless myself by accepting new beginnings and by following my dreams. The same girl that breezed through so beautiful Summers living like a careless child had found her purpose as an ambitious woman. The same girl that was consumed with the fear of flying, slowly learned it was ok to fly alone. I looked down at the tribute tattoo on my feet dedicated to the only man who truly loved me which read, "Walk by Faith, not by Sight" and I felt like a Hypocrite. It was time to take that walk. I started to touch up on my sewing skills, create my business plan, and pursue my dreams. These dreams were
 driven by my angels not my demons. As your summer months passed, so did I. I had passed the 
most critical test in my life. Choosing against the odds and unknown and choosing to fly instead. By the end of your season, my business had proven self fulling as well as prosperous. My random summer thoughts that I began to blog had drew many fans, and to top it off My demons were chased away by my Angels. My father who was my best friend wasn't there, neither were the people I was with last summer. However, I was still surrounded by love. The love I had for myself and the love that nature had given me in my beautiful, quiet place on the bridge. Tears never dripped again on a summer day until I came back to the bridge on this late summer day. Dressed in a sky blue jumper I designed with the same hands I had cried on. I walked past that same flower and more blooms had appeared as well as more colors. The blooms had turned purple just like my hair. I began to cry tears of joy and become one with my Creator and this gorgeous, unnoticed flower. Many people had probably walked by it and not noticed its beauty or acknowledged its purpose on this earth but that did not stop it from blooming. Just like that flower, I knew that no matter what rains or storms come or whether the season changes you can't take away its purpose in the world. It may wither or get changed by its environment but it will never truly die. Summer days made it show its true colors , but it's true story may never be told. Thank you summer for these moments and the beautiful flower by the bridge. You not only showed me that the most beautiful things aren't praised or showcased, they are unnoticed until one day someone recognizes its purpose. Many people saw my potential while I saw my purpose. The color of my garment represents the fact the  sky's the limit. Until next year, I will never forget this amazing Summer and while I'll be 30 next time we meet, it only means my new season will be one of new truths. I saw life again on the bridge, I wiped my tears, then I took some 
goodbye pictures. Although on many Summer days I was beaten it never left me broken. I learned that time is not forever, neither is a season, but real love is priceless and ...memories last forever. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015



Untraditional hair Color is a fun trend that many women are trying and nailing! However, if your going to do it, Do it right. Make sure your look compliments your hair. Try to wear a color that will bring out your hair. For example, if your hair is pink wear similar hues that will compliment that color. A graphic or multicolored print is always a fun way to accomplish this. If your going to incorporate accessories and/or color matched makeup make sure it doesn't go overboard. If you wearing a complimentary eye shadow, don't wear a matching lip color, this will kill your look and make it appear overdone. Try a nude lip instead or even a monotone/nude outfit. Remember the hair is making the statement, so let it speak for itself. Wear the trend don't let it wear you! 


When wearing black try not to make it boring. Wear a natural face meaning less contouring, more eyeliner and a beat brow. You can go for the dramatic smoky eye look to add some intrigue and always remember Red lipstick will always be the Go to for a pop of color. Add some flavor with a red purse and some heels with a design that still incorporates black.  You can wear all black and not add color including black shoes and accessories but make sure the pieces you select have their own unique identity. If your going for a monotone look with a clutch bag for example, make sure the clutch has a unique texture, pattern, or design. You don't want to look like your going to a funeral, instead you want to knock em' dead with your sense of style. Just remember: be simple, be sexy, be intriguing.