Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kanye Theory

Everyone that know me knows I'm a die hard Kanye Fan. Like Kanye, I have been known to be short tempered, highly opinionated, outspoken, irrational, impromptu, and at times narcissistic. However, like Kanye I've learned to control my emotional madness through fashion and family. One thing I can appreciate, like Kanye, is that I do not apologize for being me. Many may not care for me or hate seeing my evolution but at the end of the day, like Kanye, my work speaks for itself. This year my dreams became reality, my nightmares turned into lessons, and my inner Kanye came out in a major way. In order to be great, you may lose some people along the way but most importantly, never lose yourself. My choices aren't always understood or excepted but at the end of the day, they are my choices. As a stylist, fashion enthusiast, and designer, the worst thing I could ever do is not be who I am to please others. I am who I am, that Fly low key chic, that really nobody knows but has learned to respect. I'm not one for attention, so much as Kanye, let's face it I'm a Scorpio and grabbing attention just comes natural. In this world, like Yeezy said Y.O.L.O, you only live once. My time is now. I'm not the cutest, the most popular, the most sought after, but I'm happy about the woman I'm becoming. In the words of Kanye, someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, But they will never be you. I'm sticking to the Kanye Theory......
Follow my new IG @kslayze 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Jumpsuit Craze

of the most popular items we sold this Fall was our cotton jumpsuit. This look was also one of my personal favs. The great thing about a jumpsuit is that you can dress it up or down. Make it sporty or more casual. All you need is to grab your favorite casual coat or athletic jacket, and then either some dope sneakers or cute booties to complete your look. Moving into winter I have seen many takes on this look, but let's admit, this look will never get outdated. Women love to celebrate and show their curvy figures, just as much as we love expressing our personal fashion statements through everyday looks. I can't wait until summer to debut some custom jumpsuit pieces that will take this concept to new heights. 

Follow my online store on IG: Akemi.sue and my personal page @Kslayze 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dear Summer


As I step into Fall, I can't help but reminisce on my summer memories. I found a beautiful, quiet place to relax, release, and regroup my thoughts and energies. As the summer began I was very depressed and optimistic, as my life had changed so drastically being a newly single yet very ambitious 29 year old woman who had lost love but gained hope. Hope turned to fear as the season began, then came triumph. After a crazy, rollercoaster Winter I had went through so many emotions in 6 months. I had many sleepless nights where I had to face my demons. I realized that while many things had forever changed my life and personal perspectives, in the end I had learned so many 
Life lessons. I learned that trouble does not last always, neither would the hold of the demons that wouldn't let me go. The very moment we think we are inadequate is the very moment something amazing happens. I sat in the park on a wooden bridge, in a extremely somber state of mind while I began to deal with my emotions. After crying, praying, laughing, meditating, and planning I finally told myself that I wouldn't let the things I could not control define me. I stopped playing the victim and instead started to planning my future. 
On a hot summer day in June I had my breathrough. I was standing on the bridge looking down at the creek stream, when I decided not to live with anymore regrets. This was the last summer of my 20s. After wasting so many Summers not self progressing, focusing on others, and wasting my potential, I 
made sure this Summer was my season of redemption. I could probably debate over why it took 29 years of bad relationship choices, bad decisions, and bad friendships to make me finally break forever and ever.  BUT, why. 
I never looked back on the yesterdays, and I thanked The Creator for giving  me this beautiful Summer day to just let go of my regrets, my imperfections, my heartaches, my pains, and most importantly my self pity. I started to sketch some designs in my diary and then I started to make 
bulletins for a business plan right by a summer flower that I couldn't take my eyes off of. Just like the 
blossoms on that flower I realized they were blooming because it was their season. What was
stopping me from planting myself and sewing seeds to watch bloom. IT was ME. In life we can 
be our own biggest inspiration or curse. I decided to bless myself by accepting new beginnings and by following my dreams. The same girl that breezed through so beautiful Summers living like a careless child had found her purpose as an ambitious woman. The same girl that was consumed with the fear of flying, slowly learned it was ok to fly alone. I looked down at the tribute tattoo on my feet dedicated to the only man who truly loved me which read, "Walk by Faith, not by Sight" and I felt like a Hypocrite. It was time to take that walk. I started to touch up on my sewing skills, create my business plan, and pursue my dreams. These dreams were
 driven by my angels not my demons. As your summer months passed, so did I. I had passed the 
most critical test in my life. Choosing against the odds and unknown and choosing to fly instead. By the end of your season, my business had proven self fulling as well as prosperous. My random summer thoughts that I began to blog had drew many fans, and to top it off My demons were chased away by my Angels. My father who was my best friend wasn't there, neither were the people I was with last summer. However, I was still surrounded by love. The love I had for myself and the love that nature had given me in my beautiful, quiet place on the bridge. Tears never dripped again on a summer day until I came back to the bridge on this late summer day. Dressed in a sky blue jumper I designed with the same hands I had cried on. I walked past that same flower and more blooms had appeared as well as more colors. The blooms had turned purple just like my hair. I began to cry tears of joy and become one with my Creator and this gorgeous, unnoticed flower. Many people had probably walked by it and not noticed its beauty or acknowledged its purpose on this earth but that did not stop it from blooming. Just like that flower, I knew that no matter what rains or storms come or whether the season changes you can't take away its purpose in the world. It may wither or get changed by its environment but it will never truly die. Summer days made it show its true colors , but it's true story may never be told. Thank you summer for these moments and the beautiful flower by the bridge. You not only showed me that the most beautiful things aren't praised or showcased, they are unnoticed until one day someone recognizes its purpose. Many people saw my potential while I saw my purpose. The color of my garment represents the fact the  sky's the limit. Until next year, I will never forget this amazing Summer and while I'll be 30 next time we meet, it only means my new season will be one of new truths. I saw life again on the bridge, I wiped my tears, then I took some 
goodbye pictures. Although on many Summer days I was beaten it never left me broken. I learned that time is not forever, neither is a season, but real love is priceless and ...memories last forever. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015



Untraditional hair Color is a fun trend that many women are trying and nailing! However, if your going to do it, Do it right. Make sure your look compliments your hair. Try to wear a color that will bring out your hair. For example, if your hair is pink wear similar hues that will compliment that color. A graphic or multicolored print is always a fun way to accomplish this. If your going to incorporate accessories and/or color matched makeup make sure it doesn't go overboard. If you wearing a complimentary eye shadow, don't wear a matching lip color, this will kill your look and make it appear overdone. Try a nude lip instead or even a monotone/nude outfit. Remember the hair is making the statement, so let it speak for itself. Wear the trend don't let it wear you! 


When wearing black try not to make it boring. Wear a natural face meaning less contouring, more eyeliner and a beat brow. You can go for the dramatic smoky eye look to add some intrigue and always remember Red lipstick will always be the Go to for a pop of color. Add some flavor with a red purse and some heels with a design that still incorporates black.  You can wear all black and not add color including black shoes and accessories but make sure the pieces you select have their own unique identity. If your going for a monotone look with a clutch bag for example, make sure the clutch has a unique texture, pattern, or design. You don't want to look like your going to a funeral, instead you want to knock em' dead with your sense of style. Just remember: be simple, be sexy, be intriguing. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

graffiti Bridge pt. 2


The art of culture of Graffiti had been seen in movies and documentaries worldwide. Being the backdrop to some of the most influential and iconic films. One of my favorite of all time, being a Prince fanatic is Graffiti Bridge. A rock doc where Prince meets Aura an angelic poet who loves writing poetry by the bridge. She is proceeded by a symbolic feather that follows her and suddenly
appears before she dies in a tragic car accident. The indie film unlike its predecessor, the iconic cult movie, PURPLE RAIN, was nominated for 5 Golden Rasberry awards including worst film, worst actor, and worst director ironically is one of my favorite roc docs. Maybe just because every female, not just Prince fans, only dreams of a guy who will spend the day with them listening to their love poems and sweet anecdotes right before they make love. The part where he comes saves you on his motorcycle is just an icing on the cake. Love inevitably should be like a fairy tale.
The Good girl meets bad boy scenario will akways be alluring. Thus is the story of my life. The moment where you know you long for the quiet happy ending is the same moment you realize you life is not a fairy tale. As a young woman who loves music, art, and poetry it seemed constant in my life that I was never content with the good guy who could save me, there was always the Morris Day character who was aggressive, arrogant and flamboyant that dated girls of the opposite lifestyle that I would run back to. It's true that life and love is very complicated. The good part is that before I turn 30 this year I have crashed many times, but I realized after years of life lessons, hurt, and pain my best moments were "Right Around the Corner."

Monday, July 13, 2015

Graffiti Bridge

Gone before your time Gone before your legend began. An artist of great caliber and talent will live on forever. In life we only hope for our legacies to be inspiring to others. As an artist, The ability to make Art imitate life is the ultimate self reward. Being a visionary and a revolutionist is only in your mind until you can provoke those ideas into the hearts and minds of the ordinary. Some may call him mysterious, while it cannot be denied his abstract behaviors make him taboo or even trivial. His legacy is almost somewhat myth. However, It's factual in order to be a pioneer of any sort, your greatest moments will never be publicized. The moment you finish a masterpiece, met the person who inspired you, and even the moment you were about to give up before the magic happened. As an intellectual I would only hope not to be martyred after my work was completed on this earth, before having seen my masterpieces devalued by the authorities that be that would later receive fortunes just to lend my art to museums where pieces of my imprint are so delicate they cannot even be openly photographed. We may not all be able to say we were mused by Madonna or had Blondie buy our first masterpiece, but as artists we have sat in our loneliness looking for inspiration and seeking piece of mind.
Without debate it is safe to say Madonna's sympathies are accurate, "He was too precious for this world." As one legend becomes Ash another will arise to bring balance to the universe. We are all models of excellence in some form at our greatest moments, but the difference in Kings and Queens remain evident. In order to be iconic excellence has to be standard. The streets of New York read "SAMO" ironically in a place where the same can never be the Superior. Havent we all felt like the world Was too perverse and that social norms were uncool. On the journey we all have to leave our imprint in this world, we must remember to reassure ourselves that anything authentic has to be recognized and respected.
I too have felt isolated by unintentional thoughts and premonitions. The idleness of the mind is something that creates beauty and inspiration. As a designer of beautiful things, my only objective is self fulfillment because in the end when you've reached nirvana within yourself and can transform interpretations into art the only thing that may be left to do is seek eternal salvation. The things you've left behind in the end are more valuable simply because it was not fabricated but rather touched by your eternal light. Guilty pleasures at that point could be eating $500 caviar then sleeping on the sidewalk to catch the sunset before grabbing cheese doodles for breakfast. No legendary individual in history or art lived a life that was not outside social norm, these legacies are consistently unconventional. In order to be great at whatever you do your mission must be one that does not conform. Then you have lived your lifetime while unintentionally transforming others.  The ultimate meaning of success remains obsolete until proven. Being exceptional as well as socially in tune has its own story in itself. The life of a artist must tell its story through masterpieces. In time the sun will shine just make sure your light is eternal.